Org - The Orgtomate CLI for AWS Organizations
org <service> <operation> [-c|--constructor-args <key>=<value> ...] [-a|--operation-args <key>=<value> ...] [-j|--args-as-json|--no-j|--no-args-as-json] [-o|--orgtomate <target>] [-m|--management-account <AWS Account ID>] [-y|--recurse|--no-y|--no-recurse] [-r|--regions <region> ...] [-k|--result-key <key>] [-f|--format [flat|full|regions|accountids|accountnames]] [-n|--role-name <role-name>] [-e|--external-id <external-id>] [-s|--duration-seconds <seconds>] [-x|--session-name <session-name>] [-d|--debug|--no-d|--no-debug]
Org is a NodeJS command from the the orgtomate package on NPM:
It is an alternative to the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) for interacting with AWS APIs. It provides the capability to run commands across multiple AWS Accounts and Regions in parallel, while leveraging the speed of asynchronous JavaScript to fun faster than the Python AWS CLI. It is written in TypeScript and distributed as minified (uglified) JavaScript with type definitions and Source Maps. Org makes use of the other libraries in the orgtomate package: aws-org-node, get-aws-results and orgtomate. aws-org-node provides an Interface and Class for populating a tree structure representing an AWS Organization. get-aws-results provide a standardised automatic paging mechanism for AWS API calls. orgtomate provides the mechanism to run a custom callback in a selection of AWS Accounts in parallel.
Org uses the AWS SDK for JavaScript version 2, and exposes the SDK directly to the user. The services and operations available are stylised exactly as they are in the SDK, and the AWS Service client constructor and operation arguments are expected in the exact format that is expected by the SDK. Therefore rather than the AWS CLI command aws route53 list-hosted-zones
, in Org you would use org Route53 listHostedZones
where services are in TitleCase and operations are in camelCase:
While Org's execution is designed in general to be fast, some operations may be slow if they require the initialisation of a large AWS Organizations tree. When operations are executed against one account, or all of the accounts in the Organization, Org will determine the list of target accounts on its own. If targeting only a part of an AWS Organization, Org will populate an AwsOrgNode object first, and then use it to determine the list of target accounts. The time taken to populate an AwsOrgNode depends on the size of the Organization or branch of an Organization you are targeting. As a rough estimate this will take 10 seconds for a tree of 200 accounts in a horizontal spread of 50 Organizational Units. Once the list of targets has been determined, the remaining executions will be paralellised across all accounts and regions at once, often returning results across all targets faster than the AWS CLI will return results from one.
npm install orgtomate -g
org Route53 listHostedZones
org Route53 listHostedZones -c MaxRetries=100 -a MaxItems=1 -o Root -k PaginationMetadata -f accountnames
org EC2 describeInstances -r eu-west-1 eu-west-2 eu-west-3
org EC2 describeInstances -o Root -f full
org EC2 describeInstances -o ou-r0123-abcdef01 --no-recurse -r eu-west-1 eu-west-2 -a Filters='[{"Name": "platform", "Values": ["windows"]}]' -j -k Reservations | jq '.Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId'
Option Types:
.-r eu-west-1 eu-west-2
or -r eu-west-1 -r eu-west-2
String :: Required
The AWS API Service Constructor to instantiate, e.g. EC2, Route53, IAM, Organizations, IoT1ClickDevicesService, WellArchitected, ServiceQuotas, Support, ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI
String :: Required
The Operation to call on the requested Service, e.g. listHostedZones, describeInstances, getAccountPasswordPolicy, listOrganizationalUnits, invokeDeviceMethod, listWorkloads, requestServiceQuotaIncrease, describeTrustedAdvisorChecks, startReportCreation
, --constructor-args
Array :: Optional
Custom arguments to pass to the AWS API Service Constructor, such as exponential backoff parameters. Specified as an Array of key=value pairs. Values may be specified as strings, or optionally as JSON data if combined with -j|--args-as-json
, --operation-args
Array :: Optional
Custom arguments to pass to the AWS API Service Operation, such as resource filters or page size limits. Specified as an Array of key=value pairs. Values may be specified as strings, or optionally as JSON data if combined with -j|--args-as-json
, --args-as-json
, --no-j
, --no-args-as-json
Boolean :: Default: false
Whether to parse the values in -c|--constructor-args
and -a|--operation-args
arguments as JSON data using JSON.parse()
, --orgtomate
String :: Optional
The ID of a node in an AWS Organization, or 'Root' to anonymously reference the Root of the Organization.
Options: 'Root' | /^r-[a-z0-9]{4}$/ | /^ou-[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+$/ | /^[0-9]{12}$/
, --management-account
String :: Optional
The ID of an AWS Account to use as a substitute for running the Organizations commands necessary for determining which accounts can/should be targeted by Orgtomate. Account must allow the credentials Orgtomate operates with to assume the defined IAM Role (-n parameter) in the management account, and the role in the management account must have Organizations read permissions
, --recurse
, --no-y
, --no-recurse
Boolean :: Default: true
When specifying a Root or an Organizational Unit target, whether to gather all accounts recursively below the target, or only accounts that are immediate children of the target
, --regions
Array` :: Default: us-east-1
The AWS Regions in which to execute the API call in parallel for every account being targeted, whether just locally or with Orgtomate
, --result-key
String :: Optional
The resultKey to pass to getAwsResults that will reduce the Operation output to only the information required for ease of visualisation and parsing
, --format
String :: Default: flat
The format in which to present the results. Options are: flat
, full
, regions
, accountids
, accountnames
* flat
: emulates the response you would expect from a single account, with every result from every account and region merged into one result
* full
: returns an Array of objects with results in the results
key, the execution AWS Region in the region
key and, when using Orgtomate, the AWS Account Name and AWS Account ID in the accountName
and accountId
keys respectively
* regions
: returns an object with one key per execution AWS Region, containing all merged results for that region as the value
* accountids
: returns an object with one key per execution AWS Account ID, containing all merged results for that account as the value
* accountnames
: returns an object with one key per execution AWS Account Name, containing all merged results for that account as the value
, --role-name
String :: Default: OrganizationAccountAccessRole
The name of the AWS IAM Role to assume to access each account targeted by -o|--orgtomate
, --external-id
String :: Optional
The value of the External ID string to use when assuming the AWS IAM Role for each account targeted by -o|--orgtomate
, --duration-seconds
Number :: Default: 900
The maximum age of the AWS Security Token Service credentials generated when assuming each AWS IAM Role to access each account targeted by -o|--orgtomate
. These credentials should never live longer than the length of time the operation requires, and therefore, this should almost always be left at the default minimum value of 900.
, --session-name
String :: Default: orgtomate-cli
The value of the Role Session Name string to use when assuming the AWS IAM Role for each account targeted by -o|--orgtomate
, --debug
, --no-d
, --no-debug
Boolean :: Default: false
Whether to print debug information to STDERR while processing the command
The following environment variables will be used as overriding default values for corresponding options. These defaults may still be superceded by passing a value as an argument.
overrides AWS_REGION
overrides -r|--region
overrides -n|--role-name
overrides -e|--external-id
overrides -x|--session-name
overrides -s|--duration-seconds
Please report any bugs at
Copyright (c) 2021, Mike Peachey, BJSS Limited (MIT License).
Generated using TypeDoc